Golden Cookies

The Golden Prince of a Cookie!

As the name sounds these cookies are golden in look and yummy in taste. So I will not check your patience and let’s start the recipe.

Baking Scientist- Megan
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Photos byMilkshake Creative and Brian Byllesby
Let’s start with the recipe now!

golden cookies

Golden cookies dough
Golden cookies front image
golden cookies 3 in one
Bake golden cookies 3 in white tray
Megan - Baking Scientist
Golden cookies dough Golden cookies front image golden cookies 3 in one Bake golden cookies 3 in white tray Megan - Baking Scientist
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Golden Cookies gluten free, refined sugar-free, heart-healthy
In the words of Megan-: "I called this beautiful, sparkling cookie “The Golden Prince of a Cookie” because it simply shines with bright orange and gold from turmeric and saffron---the prince of ingredients! I am in love with my new golden cookie filled with oats, raisins, and pistachio. Are you like me? I enjoy eating sweets that have a few savory notes such as warm, earthy flavors and bold spice. This cookie is truly on another level of home-baked perfection. I make this cookie for my husband because he deserves to be spoiled with healthy sweets. "
Prep Time 38 min
Cook Time 16 min
Passive Time 60 min
Prep Time 38 min
Cook Time 16 min
Passive Time 60 min
  1. Preheat oven to 350ºF/180ºC. Cover two cookie sheets with parchment paper or spray with coconut oil.
  2. Makes 16 cookies
  3. Spelt is not a gluten-free flour, but it is a type of wheat that is better tolerated than regular wheat flour. Sorghum flour is gluten-free
Recipe Notes

1.Lets Start.
2. Soak raisins in ½ cup boiling water with a pinch of saffron for 15 minutes while you make the cookies dough.
3. Dry: In a large bowl combine oats, spelled flour, spices, baking powder, and salt.
4. Wet: In a microwave-safe bowl, combine maple syrup and coconut oil. Heat for about 30 seconds until melted.
Add vanilla and orange zest and add in the soaked raisins with the soaking liquid.
5. Add the dry ingredients to the wet ingredients and stir until a wet dough forms.
Refrigerate dough for 30 minutes.
6. Form cookies using 2 tablespoons of dough rolled into balls.
Place cookie balls onto cookie sheets, gently flatten to 3/4 inch (2 cm) thick. Make sure they are shaped nicely into round cookies. Space 1 inch (2,5 cm) apart to allow for spreading.
7. Bake 14-16 minutes or until the cookies have browned a little.
Do not overbake these cookies, take them out before they start to brown on the tops.
8. Serve this as dessert or snacks.
Kindly give your review .Stay tuned !

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