Colorful Pancakes On Independence day

Colorful Pancakes! Yes ,I am ready with one more recipe for Independence Day. A Colorful pancake with Marshmallow. Colorful pancakes recipe for the Special Day Independence Day. You can make it for your loved once and surprise them with this healthy Pancake. You will find all ingredient in your kitchen so no need to worry about the expenses.

Baker – Priti Piyush
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Colorful Pancakes
Cook, Eat and Enjoy Independence Day with Full Sprit.
Cuisine International
Keyword pancakes
Prep Time 2-3 minutes
Cook Time 2-3 minutes
Passive Time 20 minutes
Kids/2 People
Dry Ingredient
Wet Ingredient
Cuisine International
Keyword pancakes
Prep Time 2-3 minutes
Cook Time 2-3 minutes
Passive Time 20 minutes
Kids/2 People
Dry Ingredient
Wet Ingredient
  1. Use frying pan or non stick pan with cover lid.
Recipe Notes

1.Take two bowl .One big and one small size.
2 .Take A bowl and mix all dry ingredients in one ( Flour + baking powder+ Baking Soda)
3. Grind the beetroot in mixing .Now pour this mixture into a Strainer. Separate the liquid and hard piece of beetroot apart.
4. Repeat this with Spinach and yellow pumpkin and keep it all three into a separate Bowl.
5 .Take another bowl and add Liquid beetroot, Egg half and Sugar to it and whip at least for 2 min.
Repeat with the spinach and pumpkin mixture as well
6. Add some liquid to this as per your choice (water or milk)
7. Now take one bowl and put two to three dop of edible blue color to it and add 2 tablespoon milk to it, Stir for 2 min. Then add half egg and sugar and again stir for 3 min.
8. Now add Ready Dry Ingredient to this four colorful bowl wet mixture slowly. And make a little thick better. Don't keep any lump in this thick mixture.
9.Now take a Pan. Spread oil over the pan. Put the ready mixture on it with round spoon and spread properly in round shape.
10.Now Create a pancakes. Cook it for 2 min at lower frame again turn with spatula to cook from both the sides. Keep these ready pancakes in a plate

Take plate of Colorful pancakes, (put all pancake in one plate one by one) and decorate with the white Marshmallow. Also sprinkle Some sugar dust over it.

Serve it to Friends and Children.
Happy Independence Day!

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